Guest Speaker

Energy Translator

Using Astrology to synthesize, and simplify individuals strengths, limitations, and ability to make decisions that align with their true purpose and path. Context to life’s circadian rhythms. From the lens of a practical, psychological, and spiritual perspective. Open to collaboration!

  • I speak on the following topics...


  • Self-awareness & personal growth:

    Astrology can help individuals gain a better understanding of their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

  • Spiritual growth

    By understanding the connection between the self and the cosmos, individuals can gain a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life.

  • Improved decision-making

    Astrology can provide guidance on important life decisions, such as career choices, relationships. It can help individuals understand their strengths and limitations, and make decisions that align with their true purpose and path.

  • Exercises to connect more to your abilities

    The more your spirit feels peaceful, the easier it is to connect with the subtle energies of our guides. Feeding your spirit on a regular basis helps you become more aware of the spirit in all forms, which opens the gateway!

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!
